New RSVP director: Growing donor base, volunteer ranks 2 key goals | Local News | gazettextra.com

Foster grandparent program set to begin its second school year | Local News | gazettextra.com

Want to be a foster grandparent? | Local News | gazettextra.com

RSVP’s Seniors Volunteering for Seniors seeks more volunteers | Archives | gazettextra.com

‘BABES’ use puppet shows to promote good choices | Uncategorized | beloitdailynews.com
Blackhawk Golden “K” Kiwanis Club Awards
The Blackhawk Golden “K” Kiwanis Club recognized two of our volunteers for all they do for the community. Kathryn Bakke has volunteered at the Rock Co Courthouse, multiple Intergenerational programs and various stations over the years. Eugene Durkee donates countless hours to the Rock Co Historical Society. One might say he is a local history buff. He also volunteers at the Hedberg Library. Both are a valuable asset to RSVP as well as the community.
RSVP volunteers Mary Quaerna and Rob Wilkinson were recently recognized by the Blackhawk Golden “K” organization. Since starting with RSVP these two volunteers have contributed over 27,000 hours of service!